Lilburn Cooperative Ministry
Clothing Assistance
Not having clothes is a problem no one should have. As part of our mission, we’re working hard to make sure no one does. Our volunteers sort, organize and sell donated clothing and accessories in Lily’s Cloak.
The Lilburn Co-operative Ministry provides clothing, free of charge, to families in need through our thrift store, Lily’s Cloak, once every six months.
Your donations of new or gently-used clothing and household items goes a long ways toward alleviating a pressing need for our neighbors. Of course, you should shop at Lily’s Cloak, too, as you never know what great finds await you.
Either way, your support of Lilburn Co-op continues to help us help others. And we can’t thank you enough.
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
—Matthew 25:40