The First LCM Prayer Breakfast
Thirty years ago, the LCM was founded with thirty churches who decided they could do more for the community together than they could separately. Twenty-nine of the original churches are still supporting us joined by five others. The thirtieth church no longer exists.
Today we had our first prayer breakfast and invited the church leadership. We had a wonderful time, and I was deeply moved by the prayers that were offered. We are going to make this a regular event.
When I learned that the LCM had never had a prayer gathering for our sponsoring churches, I was shocked. Well, it was more like horrified.
Prayer is an important part of the practice of my faith. So much so, I spend all day on Sunday in prayer and meditation. After a week on this job, I have a lot to say to God. Even more so, I need to listen to the stillness of His presence.
We need to pray for our community, our clients, our mission and our purpose. We need to pray for more funding to do the kind of work the LCM was founded to do. We need to pray for the success of the Golf Tournament on October 28, and the Gala we are having on December 7. We need to pray for the success of the pledge program we are launching in December and January.
We need to pray for the suffering of the people we see daily. Today I turned away five people who needed our help, but I had no available funds. We are getting thrice as many applications for assistance than our budget can answer. Carefully targeted funds in amounts under $500 can prevent homelessness and give people a fighting chance at turning their situation around.
The Gwinnett Human Services Five-Year Strategic Plan released in 2023 states the goals for addressing homelessness are to make resources available to study the problem, ensure the safety of extended stay hotels, clearly define the term “shelter” and open warming stations as an entry point to address the needs of the unhoused.
Since that report was released food insecurity is up 66% and it is expected to continue to increase. I spoke to a young man today who is working two jobs and can’t afford to pay his insurance or buy food. Food insecurity is no longer a problem limited to seniors and the unwell. People working two and three jobs are struggling to buy food.
Clearly if support is going to happen, it’s up to the community of faith to step up. I believe that all things are possible through the power of prayer. I believe in setting big goals so God can answer in spectacular ways, and everyone can know and see his goodness. We are facing significant challenges. The LCM continues to be underfunded.
Still, I am encouraged by the commitment of our sponsor churches. And I am looking forward to seeing the answers to this morning’s prayer breakfast.