I injured my right leg a couple months ago. It was a serious injury affecting my hip and knee. My doctor told me that it might require surgery to repair. I don’t want to do that, so I’ve been doing physical therapy and following all medical advice. Things are going well.

One suggestion was to go bare foot or wear soft slippers as much as possible. Most days I scuff around the LCM in fuzzy slippers. Not very professional, but it helps. (I’ve asked my daughter for a pair of rainbow monster feet slippers for Christmas – the kind with the claws. I think those are very cool.) 

Another suggestion was to take a belly dancing class. Well, it’s actually a fusion class of yoga, Pilates, ballet stretches and belly dancing. I am the only geriatric student. I feel ridiculous and look ridiculous in my bangle belt, but it has really helped my hip.

This got me thinking about all the things I had done this year that made me uncomfortable. This job has pushed my shy, introverted self to the limits. But I have gotten so absorbed in the work, the mission, the clients, that I forgot all about my discomfort and just got it done.

I’ve made lots of new friends. I’ve had a lot of fun despite the seriousness of the work. Mostly, I feel more balanced. After my husband died, I felt very off balance. Sometimes you just have to push past the fear and take a leap of faith before things get better. 

I’m looking forward to all that we will accomplish next year. In January, fingers crossed, we will launch the new distribution system. We’ve had quite a few delays with construction surprises, but we seem to be wrapping up now. 

We are going to bring more services to the LCM in 2025. We are going to bring some new programs with an initiative I’m calling New Beginnings. It will all be new, and change makes people afraid. I understand. It makes me uncomfortable, too. I’ve learned a few things about change this year I’d like to share. 

Change can be wonderful and bring healing for wounded souls. It can be exactly what is needed to shake you out of negative habits and thoughts. It can be a launching pad for new growth. 

I hope the change we bring to the LCM will be a good thing for our community of volunteers and clients. I hope we grow together. I think it’s going to be a really good year. 

I have two more belly dancing classes. It’s been a good experience and very healing, but the bangle belt will be retired soon. Still, I’m glad I have new skills and exercises to add to my fitness routine. Sometimes the uncomfortable can end up bringing the most comfort.

 I hope that’s how it goes for 2025. 

-Jackie Wells Smith

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